
Skin Rejuvenation and Resurfacing

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Does your skin look dull, tired and lacklustre? You are not alone and Dr. Hitesh , a board-certified dermatologist from Pune Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre helps to improve the beauty and health of skin with skin rejuvenation techniques. Rejuvenation helps to restore skin to its youthful, healthy condition, regardless of the age or skin type. With advanced technologies, Dr. Hitesh cater to varied skin concerns, restoring their natural beauty and improving skin health.

Common Skin Concerns Addressed

Wrinkles, discoloration, dry skin, dark circles, uneven skin tone, acne are some of the most common skin concerns that can be treated with the help of skin rejuvenation. Dr. Hitesh also offers custom packages to address several such skin concerns. Be it sunburn, age spots, melasma, dull skin, or any other symptoms of aging, we make sure to look after them all

Non-Invasive Rejuvenation Techniques at Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre

Minimally Invasive Rejuvenation Procedures

Minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedures are performed to reduce signs of aging. Dr. Hitesh may use one or a combination of treatments to correct wrinkles, deep-set creases, and skin laxity, including:

Laser Resurfacing

If your skin needs a more intensive, comprehensive treatment for rejuvenation, Dr. Hitesh at Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre offers laser resurfacing and skin tightening. During this anti-aging procedure, Dr. Hitesh will use a laser to target facial lines, age spots, acne scars, dullness, or uneven skin tone and texture. The depth of the laser can be adjusted according to the patient’s demands.

Microneedling and PRP Therapy

At Pune Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre, Dr. Hitesh use microneedling and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy to treat wrinkles and slow down the aging process. Microneedling involves using a handheld device with a tiny needle to create small puncture lesions which helps to reverse signs of aging. PRP therapy helps to enhance the skin texture using growth factors from the patient’s own blood.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are one of the most popular treatments for skin rejuvenation. By removing the uppermost layer of the skin, they help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots, and blemishes. It is a mild yet effective treatment to improve the texture and quality of the skin.

Recovery and Aftercare for Skin Rejuvenation at Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre

The recovery period for skin rejuvenation treatments varies depending on the treatment, but patients can expect some redness, swelling, and minor discomfort afterwards. Swelling can take a few days to subside, while redness and sensitivity may last for a few weeks. Dr. Hitesh will provide detailed instructions to help you manage your recovery and aftercare and ensure the best possible results. It is important to follow these instructions to ensure proper healing.

Maintenance and Long-Term Care

Skin rejuvenation treatments can help improve your skin’s appearance and make you look younger. But to keep that youthful look, Dr. Hitesh may suggest a maintenance program once your initial treatment series is complete. Such programs include regular facials and possibly resurfacing treatments, as well as use of skin care products specifically recommended by Dr. Hitesh .

Expert Skin Rejuvenation Care

Dr. Hitesh at Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre is one of the top physicians in Pune for skin rejuvenation treatments, and specializes in personalizing each treatment to obtain the most flattering facial appearance. He takes pride in providing the most advanced aesthetic services o help you look your way.

If you’re looking to improve the look and feel of your skin, Dr. Hitesh ’s experienced team at Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre, Pune can help. Schedule your consultation today to get started restoring your skin’s youthfulness!

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Meet Dr. Hitesh Laad

MBBS, MS - General Surgery, MCh - Plastic Surgery, DNB - Plastic Surgery

Dr. Hitesh Laad is a distinguished figure in the field of cosmetic surgery, with a profound interest and expertise in hair treatment and hair transplant surgery. He takes immense pride and joy in performing successful, life-changing surgeries that positively impact the personal, professional, and social lives of his patients. His unwavering dedication to the well-being of his patients and the society at large has driven him to establish Authentic Hair Transplant and Cosmetic Centre as a premier destination for cosmetic treatments.

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Dr. Hitesh Laad
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